Prayer Faith and More


Cafecito – Where It All Began

Where it all began… Before I go there let’s talk about today.

Do you have someone in your life that is unexpected? An unlikely confidant?

Someone who meets you at your place of need?

Someone who accepts you “as is” in the middle of your life struggles?

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Maggie Sabatier-SmithCafecito – Where It All Began

Write The Prayer

Jesus finds us even when we are trying to hide.

God speaks to us in so many ways and often through unusual sources. Those who are highly religious might not understand what I refer to as God ah-ha moments. But those who have a relationship – an intimate friendship with Jesus – well, we get that He wastes nothing.

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Maggie Sabatier-SmithWrite The Prayer

What’s in Your Shoe?

Do you have a favorite pair of shoes? You’ve worn them so often that they’ve lost that perfect fit. Perhaps the lining has loosened and rubs against your skin causing irritation and maybe even pain. The fashion conscious may have purchased shoes that were in style but too tight; you just had to have them. Your plan was to stretch them out during short painful walks.

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Maggie Sabatier-SmithWhat’s in Your Shoe?

Just a Mask

Masks – to wear or not to wear – that is the question. For some it’s mandatory – not an option. We have been bombarded with information regarding masks during this pandemic season. The media has presented pros and cons, all sound equally believable.

What are we to do? We roll with it. Until we have verifiable information,

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Maggie Sabatier-SmithJust a Mask