Maggie Sabatier-Smith

"You matter. God said so. Do something about it!" Passionate about living a life that honors God is what speaker, coach, and author Maggie Sabatier-Smith teaches others. She believes in second chances - for both animals and people. Active in prison ministry and an avid pet rescuer, when not busy encouraging someone, coming up with new ideas, or facilitating groups, you'll find Coach Maggie enjoying her cafecito.

High Five or Not?

Do you get me? As humans, we long for acceptance. We are affirmed and encouraged when in the company of those that not only relate to us, but take the time to high five – to celebrate who we are. To accomplish greatness, to fulfill our God-given purpose, we will need to either learn to work outside of our strengths or delegate to someone who has the tool set we lack.

Do You See What I See?

Do you sense that God is about to bring change into your story? Jeremiah 29:11 assures us that He has plans for each of us. I invite you to be open and willing – to ask to see, hear and know His plans. May you find the courage to let go and allow the Lord to lead you.

When Love is Not Enough

At any given point in time we may find ourselves walking through a place of impossibility. Instinctively we will seek to comfort the hurt by using our best or worst practices. Today I am compelled to encourage you to Pray First. “Let it be Jesus”

Procrastination… All About You!

Enough already! Stop wasting time. Coach Maggie shares “there are days when I procrastinate-knowing full well that I have a task to accomplish. I do everything possible to avoid it.” Today my procrastination is all about you!