
Fear of Walnuts? Not so much…

Fear of Walnuts?  Not really.  But definitely FEAR OF HEIGHTS!! Several days ago we visited Walnut Canyon National Monument in Flagstaff, AZ.  It’s taken me several days to muster the courage to look at the pictures and share them here with you.  Those of you that share the same fear will totally relate – the rest of you… well, just enjoy the pictures. :)



It’s important to note that we didn’t just visit, we hiked down 185 feet to see where the Cliff Dwellers lived – round-trip 1 mile!!!   I began this journey by first giving my dear husband some instructions:

1.  Do NOT touch me unless I ask you to do so.  Give me space.

2.  Should I begin to panic… STOP TALKING and wait for me to breathe normally again.

Two simple requests that represent a huge amount of trust on my part as I embarked on this fear-defying journey.

About the monument… It is located about 10 mi (16 km) southeast of downtown Flagstaff, Arizona, near Interstate 40. The canyon rim elevation is 6,690 ft (2,040 m); the canyon’s floor is 350 ft lower. A 0.9 mi (1.4 km) long loop trail descends 185 ft (56 m) into the canyon passing 25 cliff dwelling rooms constructed by the Sinagua, a pre-Columbian cultural group that lived in Walnut Canyon from about 1100 to 1250 CE. Other contemporary habitations of the Sinagua people are preserved in the nearby Tuzigoot and Montezuma Castle national monuments.

About the FEAR…  I first learned of it “after” I had climbed one of the Mayan pyramids just outside of Cancun, Mexico over 20 years ago.  What comes up must come down and I left all lady-like grace behind as I “sat” my way down the pyramid.  All this while children and adults of all ages easily stepped down.  I had not challenged that fear until this trip.  My Paul had no idea what was in store for him.

This cross-country RV adventure has revealed so many natural wonders.  I made the decision to press through the fear; I just didn’t want to miss out on God’s amazing creation.  It was totally worth it and it certainly gave my heart a workout as well. <<smile>>

Pictures tell a better story…  hope you enjoy them.  As for me, I’m not sure I am over the fear completely but clearly I know I can press through it.  Yes there were some tears of fear as we hiked down but more importantly there were tears of joy and wonder. I not only overcame my fear, but I “hiked” something my health would not have allowed me to do a year ago.  There was much to celebrate on this 1 mile adventure.  I could have missed all that God had for me that day.  What a sad loss that would have been.

Fueled by this victory, I continue UNSTOPPABLE in pursuit of God’s very best for me and for those I influence.  All Glory and Gratitude to Him!

Absolutely Breathtaking!  So grateful for the experience!

Absolutely Breathtaking! So grateful for the experience!

Fearless Paul by the railing...

Fearless Paul by the railing…

Uh-oh... time to hike back up!

Uh-oh… time to hike back up!

A cliff dwelling...

A cliff dwelling…

Outrageous Courage!! What was I thinking?

Outrageous Courage!! What was I thinking?

uh.... no handrails :(

uh…. no handrails :(

Grateful for hand-rails…

Maggie Sabatier-Smith
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Maggie Sabatier-Smith

Speaker. Coach. Author. Catalyst for Change. at Called To Action
"You matter. God said so. Do something about it!" Passionate about living a life that honors God is what speaker, coach, and author Maggie Sabatier-Smith teaches others. She believes in second chances - for both animals and people. Active in prison ministry and an avid pet rescuer, when not busy encouraging someone, coming up with new ideas, or facilitating groups, you'll find Coach Maggie enjoying her cafecito.
Maggie Sabatier-Smith
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Maggie Sabatier-SmithFear of Walnuts? Not so much…
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