
When You Don’t Know What to Say

I’m a communicator by nature… all about significance and purpose, inspiring others to take action.  Lately I just don’t have it in me. I sit at my keyboard wondering what value I have to offer my readers and I come up empty. It’s not the first time I’ve walked through a dry creative season.  Experience tells me it won’t last long.  I’m guessing some of you can relate.

Reality Blog Post

You are the first to read an unedited, stream of consciousness blog post. In keeping with my “let’s be real” mindset, I’ll share the steps I’ve taken so far.

  • I’ve prayed and asked the Lord to provide me with a bit of wisdom to share with you today – wisdom that would help me break free from this prison of silence.
  • Instead of staring out into space I decided to take another stab at decluttering my office.  An hour of that was all I needed to get me back to my keyboard.
  • Next, it occurred to me that my mind was blank.  As I like to say, “I think, and I think, and nothing happens.” I went in search of an image that would depict my current state. I found none that would tell my story.
  • Almost ready to give up, I was drawn to an image of a Billboard (the one featured for this post). Waiting for a fresh new sign, this billboard holds pieces left-over from past messages. Layer upon layer of the past would soon be covered up.

Ah-Ha Moment

As I consider the billboard, I recognize that my mind is not blank but instead it is cluttered with layers of what used to be, what could have been and perhaps ideas waiting to be developed. My ah-ha… like the billboard, the Lord is preparing me for a fresh new sign. My assignment is to let go of anything that would impede it. The Queen of Do-Overs (as I often refer to myself) is about to Do Over!

Whatever is ahead, I’m all in. I’m reminded of one of my favorite verses… “But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work [with joy] assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God.” Acts 20:24 NLT

What about you?

Compelled to share my story, I’m wondering how it applies to you, my readers. Each of us has a purpose – that no one else can accomplish. It’s up to us to clear a space in our lives, to make sure we keep it a priority, to make sure we seek the Lord for direction and to keep it fresh and alive through prayer and action.

We are especially encouraged to notice those times when the joy of the Lord bubbles up in our spirit. Sometimes it just doesn’t make sense.  Our life may be littered with trials and yet when that joy shows up, we know, that we know, that we know, that we are walking in the sweet spot of our calling.

I recently spoke to a women’s group and I heard myself say, “It may be time to create your new normal – to rewrite the end of your story.” God’s purpose for my life is the only story I want to live. I’m encouraged to be open to making the changes necessary to make that possible. Are you?

Join the Conversation
Did you have an ah-ha moment when reading? If this post touched you in any way, I hope you take the time to write to me and share your thoughts.  Scroll down and share your thoughts in the Join the Conversation section. Include any questions you may have or suggestions for future articles. You can also private message me on Facebook Page.  Who knows, you may hold the key to my next steps.


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Photo by Fancycrave

Maggie Sabatier-Smith
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Maggie Sabatier-Smith

Speaker. Coach. Author. Catalyst for Change. at Called To Action
"You matter. God said so. Do something about it!" Passionate about living a life that honors God is what speaker, coach, and author Maggie Sabatier-Smith teaches others. She believes in second chances - for both animals and people. Active in prison ministry and an avid pet rescuer, when not busy encouraging someone, coming up with new ideas, or facilitating groups, you'll find Coach Maggie enjoying her cafecito.
Maggie Sabatier-Smith
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Maggie Sabatier-SmithWhen You Don’t Know What to Say
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