
Day One… Begin

Every adventure has a day one – that moment when you know your life is about to change. I’m talking about the adventures we plan, the ones that begin to take shape in our mind. At first it may simply be a hint of an idea – of an outcome – of a destination. Inside, joy, expectation and perhaps a bit of fear begin to bubble up. Ideas come and go as the adventure gains more clarity and purpose. Change is on the horizon and there’s a voice inside that clamors, “Bring it!”

I’m told that I use the term adventure often and for a variety of reasons. For me it’s about an uncharted course. It could be a new friendship, a road trip, a fresh new goal, a new job, a change of address and so on. There are unplanned adventures – they happen to me. I didn’t see them coming nevertheless I must deal with them.

COVID-19, a global pandemic has happened to us. Did you see this coming? I certainly did not. One night we went to sleep and when we awoke the next day, the world had changed. This adventure happened to us – not one any of us would have chosen, nevertheless we must deal with it.

Deal With It

How do we live our lives amid all this uncertainty? For these last few weeks most of us have been reacting to the circumstances as they unfold each day. Obedient to the recommendations, we go on about our day 6 feet apart from each other and doing our best to redefine a new normal for our lives. I encourage you to continue listening and following the directions given by our governmental leaders. Practice kindness and patience as you walk through this season. There is much encouragement out there in social media – soak it up and pass it along to others. But what I really want to talk to you about…

Day One – Begin Your Own Adventure

Give yourself permission to have a life – to live intentionally and with purpose. While we may not have much control over this pandemic, we do have control over how we spend our time. I invite you to begin a new adventure. Ask yourself: What area of my life is within my control? What changes do I need to make? What opportunities should I explore?

Check in with your dreams – what action can you take to move them forward? Your adventure could be as simple as cleaning out a closet, or perhaps learning a new skill, renewing old friendships, brainstorming on a new project – It’s about setting goals and taking action to move closer to your best life possible. Only you know what that looks like.

What I’ve Been Up To…

I’ve got several adventures going on right now (of course I do!) In fact, I started a couple of them today. In just one day of venturing into new territory I have experienced a marked improvement in my energy and outlook on life. Experience has taught me that success happens the moment you take your first step – the moment you begin.

My first adventure is all about me. Emotional eating over the last few weeks has wreaked havoc on my body. NO MAS! As a Health Coach I know better. I’ve made a commitment to get back to healthy eating.  For the next 30 days – no excuses and no junk food. This is totally within my control regardless of what goes on around me.

My next adventure has to do with resurrecting my passion to write. There are several books inside me waiting to be released. It’s time. For the next 30 days – I’ll blog daily. I’ll be listening for God’s direction on topics. I’ll trust that topics will surface that will touch a heart, inspire, and challenge my readers to take action towards their best life possible.

And oh, by the way… we are moving and hope to close on our next home this month. Yikes! Lots to share about this in the coming days.

What About You…

Have you thought about ways to create your new normal during this season of uncertainty? What will your Begin look like? Fast forward to the end of April. What will you be celebrating? Let’s do this life thing together. We’re not ignoring the pandemic – just trying to move our lives forward despite the circumstances.  Keep me posted on how it goes. Your success fuels my journey. Stay safe!

Maggie Sabatier-Smith
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Maggie Sabatier-Smith

Speaker. Coach. Author. Catalyst for Change. at Called To Action
"You matter. God said so. Do something about it!" Passionate about living a life that honors God is what speaker, coach, and author Maggie Sabatier-Smith teaches others. She believes in second chances - for both animals and people. Active in prison ministry and an avid pet rescuer, when not busy encouraging someone, coming up with new ideas, or facilitating groups, you'll find Coach Maggie enjoying her cafecito.
Maggie Sabatier-Smith
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Maggie Sabatier-SmithDay One… Begin
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