personal development

All posts tagged personal development


It’s About Priorities.

Coach Me, Please | Part 1

“I just don’t have enough time,” you say while silently sighing from the very depths of your heart. No one is listening because you decided there’s no need to share that, “Someday I will << fill in your dream or goal>>.” You simply can’t seem to find the time or worse, your goals are buried so deep in yesterday they don’t even cross your mind.

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Maggie Sabatier-SmithIt’s About Priorities.

Time for an Attitude Adjustment?

“A Negative Attitude is the key to success” said no one ever!

From the moment we open our eyes each morning we are presented with a multitude of choices.   Over time some of our choices may become habits.  Attitude is a choice.  We get to choose our outlook for each day, our approach to people or events.  Our behavior reflects our attitude.  Attitude not only influences our actions but it also spills over into the lives of everyone we connect with. It’s contagious.

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Maggie Sabatier-SmithTime for an Attitude Adjustment?

Lasso the Wind? I Think Not!

What happens when you try to micro-manage a WIND personality?
Speaking from personal experience first I laugh, then I am compelled to ask, “Really?” and finally I respond,

Not much!

Don’t know what I’m talking about? Ask me about taking the personality profile that describes “you” using the four elements found in nature. It’s simple and actionable. In a team setting, it releases the power of your most valuable resource, your people.

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Maggie Sabatier-SmithLasso the Wind? I Think Not!